YOUR DONATION assists AWPC to work for Australian native animals, the habitat they need to survive and their protection from cruelty and exploitation.

AWPC is a non-profit, non-government-funded organisation that relies on the generosity of its members and people sympathetic to our work.

Donations over $2 are Tax Deductible.
AWPC is an Incorporated / not-for-profit Registered Charity ABN: 85 240 279 616.

At our Annual General Meeting held each year  members are updated on our activities, and welcome to join in with ideas and actions. All are welcome. 

Please fill in your details below so we can send you a tax receipt for your records.

Feel free to get in touch with us for any concerns or questions you may have

Don't forget to submit your form to finish your registration.


The Australian Wildlife Protection Council (Victoria) Inc — AWPC Gift Fund  

is listed on the Australian Government Register of Environmental Organisations and
is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient.
ABN 85 240 279 616    

Post:   AWPC, PO Box 302, Bungendore, NSW 2621   Website: